Holiday House Tour SUCCESS!


WHat more can we say!!!


We asked you to join us and boy - did you join us!!!

We raised over $5,000 - yes, you read that right!

We work closely with people in Bedford who are aware of those in need during the holiday season! We were able to provide $3,000 to the elementary schools for their Holiday Support Program. If you are unaware; that program is run by administrators and guidance. They provide families with gift cards to many businesses so that they can purchase gifts for their children as well as grocery store gift cards for a yummy meal. According to Assistant Principals, Keith Kinney and Jessica Colby, we were able to help 36 families (82 children)!!!! AMAZING.

As if that wasn’t enough - you came through on the Reindeer auction BIG TIME! With those additional funds we were able to directly help 2 specific families in Bedford (8 children) who could use a lot of brightening this holiday season.

You have no idea what this means to us. We can only imagine what it means to these families we are able to support and surprise with these wonderful gifts!

Special shout-out to our sponsor elves…

REVISE Energy for sponsoring the horse-drawn carriage rides

Express Pizza I Bedford Cupcakes for sponsoring the Hot Cocoa Station

Chip-In Farm for giving dozens of eggs away to our House Tour Visitors

Bedford Florist for providing 3 generous gift cards to the reindeer scavenger hunt winners!

Check out some of the festive sights from the Holiday House Tour - 2022:


The efforts of this day started long before December 11th, thanks to Buddy and his fellow elves!! Thanks so much to our brilliant marketing team for coming up with a really fun way to promote this event! It was a blast to create these videos and the feedback from all of you was so great to receive! Thanks for playing along… now, how will we top it next year?! HA!!

Check out more photos from this year here!

In case you missed them… here are the Buddy the Elf clips…

HolidaysCarey Sclafani